Friday, August 6, 2010


Arindam:- Good afternoon viewers! You are watching ‘WINE WITH ARINDAM’ program in your favorite ‘Royal Bengal Tigers’ (RBT) TV Channel. Today, we are not inside our typical studio. Right now, we are in the outskirts of Jodhpur. I have the cameraman Dulal and the technician Cheetah with me. We have already entered inside this factory to take the interview of its owner whose name is Mr. Sain.

Mr. Sain:- Oh! You people have come. Wow! What a pleasure for me? Tell me how can I help you?

Arindam:- Sir, tell us something about this factory. Even the viewers are eagerly waiting in front of their TV sets to know about it.

Mr. Sain:- The name of this factory is ‘Sain’s Cloud Factory’. This factory has 57 workers/employees including the support staff and security guards. India is an agricultural land and around 66% of our population relies on agriculture to earn their living. Therefore, monsoon is a very important factor for India. If monsoon is bad, then the BSE and NSE also start going downwards with the speculation that there will be less production of crops than it is actually expected or desired. When there are less production of crops, the prices of vegetables, pulses, rice and other food products rises. Hence, the food inflation enters double figures to woe the common man of India. That’s why, the Indian Government requested our ‘Bengal Research Center’ to come out with some solution so that the Indian agricultural sector should not rely on the monsoon. Earlier, we proposed to the agricultural ministry to take the initiatives of making artificial canals in and around barren lands. Also, we suggested them to create artificial layers of soil on rocky places to start agriculture on those soils. Nowadays, we have been able to create crops scientifically by using less water also. Rice can be grown on terraces also on those artificial soil layers without keeping your terrace waterlogged. China is taking these initiatives and their people are growing crops in barren rocky surfaces also. But, our suggestion was not accepted by the Indian Government; rather they requested us to create artificial clouds. So, we are just doing that only.

Arindam:- Can you tell us the mechanism of creating artificial clouds?

Mr. Sain:- Yeah, of course. See, inside this factory, there are three big rooms. The first room is the ‘Evaporation Room’, the second one is the ‘Artificial Ionosphere Room’ and the third one is the ‘Cloud Collection Room’. In the Evaporation Room, there is an artificial lake and an artificial Sun. The artificial Sun produces a heat of 50 degrees Celsius to evaporate the water of that artificial lake. Whenever the water of that artificial lake decreases by a height of 2 feet, we pour another 100 gallons of water to fill up the lake up to the brim after switching off the artificial Sun. Now, the evaporated water particles, which rise upwards inside the 1st room, go to the next room. Let me tell you that all the three rooms are vertically placed. The first room is in ground floor, the second room is in 1st floor and the third room is in 2nd floor. The evaporated water now enters the ‘Artificial Ionosphere Room’ to get ionized either as positive ion cloud or a negative ion cloud. Then those clouds start moving upwards in the 3rd room, where the negative ion clouds and the positive ion clouds are separated. The negative ion clouds and the positive ion clouds are collected in separate large boxes.

Arindam:- Ok, so, the clouds have been collected inside the box. Now, how will you release it in the Earth’s atmosphere?

Mr. Sain:- There are 9 special aircrafts of Indian Air Force (IAF) to carry those boxes and release those artificial clouds in the drought hit areas. Always remember that we have to release both the positive ion cloud and the negative ion cloud simultaneously in a drought hit area, otherwise, there will be no rainfall. The positive and the negative ion will attract each other to create thunders and hence a rainfall of 10 ml per artificial cloud will occur.

Arindam:- Wow! That’s just fantastic. Really, the “ARTIFICIAL CLOUDS FOR DROUGHT HIT AREAS” will boost the Indian agricultural sector without depending much on monsoon season. Viewers, here we will end our show. Take care and goodbye.

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