Monday, March 26, 2012


Arindam:- Hello! Viewers! You are watching the program, ‘WINE WITH ARINDAM’ in your favorite TV channel, RBTV (Royal Bengal Tigers’ TV). You people must be thinking that why in this episode; I am standing on the road, instead of sitting inside our studio. Well, we are waiting for someone. Oho! Someone is walking towards us.


Miss Yogi:- Excuse me! Are you guys from the Royal Bengal Tigers’ TV?

Mr. Banerjee:- Yeah! Yeah! We are!

Miss Yogi:- Actually, Mr.Sain has sent me to pick up the team of the program, ‘WINE WITH ARINDAM’.

Arindam:- Yeah! You have spotted the right persons. I am Arindam and he is the camera person of our show. His name is Benudhar Banerjee. So, how will we go from here?

Miss Yogi:- Get inside the car.

Arindam:- Wow! This black colored, ‘HONDA CITY’ is hotter than you.

Miss Yogi:- Well, thanks for that indirect compliment.

Arindam:- I hope that you are not drunk at this moment.

Miss Yogi:- The question does not arise at all, because I don’t drink alcohols. But, yeah! Nowadays, the drunk driving has increased. In every traffic signal, traffic policemen must check whether the car drivers are drunk or not.

Arindam:- So, how are you related to Mr. Sain, the renowned scientist of the world?

Miss Yogi:- Well, I am his Personal Assistant. I am a scientist too. Both of us used to work at California Research Center.

Arindam:- Oh! Wow! Then, how come you left that job and working under Mr. Sain now?

Miss Yogi:- Well, I fell in love with that married personality and can never imagine of anyone else. Right now, this Delhi born woman is a mother of an adopted son.

Arindam (whispering):- Hmm…I should not ask the name of the father of your adopted son, though I can assume something.

Miss Yogi (in a low voice):- Your assumed answer is the right answer. Now, don’t ask me anymore personal questions. I don’t like media persons to poke their noses in my personal life.

Arindam:- Oh! If I have hurt you, then I really regret for that.

Miss Yogi:- We are now going to enter the city of ‘SAINLAND’.

Arindam:- Wow! What a lovely city! Hey, Benu! I want some fantastic photos of this modern city.

Mr. Banerjee:- Don’t worry! Please don’t question my professionalism in this domain.

Miss Yogi:- Ha ha ha…your camera person is very smart. Now, come on, let us get down and proceed towards the ‘SCIRES’ tower building. That is the research center cum administrative block building of this city.


Scientist Sain:- Welcome! Welcome! Mr. Arindam, welcome to my den!

Arindam:- Ha ha ha…Oh! It’s a pleasure to have a visit at your city.

Scientist Sain:- What is that in your handbag?

Arindam:- Oh! That’s a surprise. Can we sit in your guest room and talk?

Scientist Sain:- Yeah! Sure, sure!


Scientist Sain:- Cheers! Wow! I never thought that you will bring a French Red Wine and crispy fried Prawns. The sizes of the Prawns are so big.

Arindam:- Actually, that’s the specialty of our show. We invite guests in our studio and enjoy red wine with chicken tandoori or grilled chicken. But, this time, we changed our location and the side dish.

Scientist Sain:- Ha ha ha…That’s really cool, man!

Arindam:- The reason, why we decided to visit this place is because of the fact that this ‘SAINLAND’ city has become famous all around the world because this city entirely runs on the Solar energy. We want to know some details about it. I mean, why suddenly, you decided to bring a revolution in the effective utilization of solar energy.

Scientist Sain:- Despite forming a cartel, can you stop the hike in fuel prices? For how many years, you will keep on giving subsidies on LPG? Boss, the natural resources of the world which are utilized as fuels are decreasing day by day. Even, you will not get sufficient amount of Black Diamonds after 10 or 15 years down the line. So, I started the research on solar energy. The Sun is also a God. Even the ancient Greeks and Indians used to worship it. 5 years back, in the California Research Center, I and Yuvati created a super power ‘SOLAR BOX’ (SB) using high-powered photo-voltaic cells. If you keep each Solar Box for 8 hours under the Sun in a bright sunny day, it will generate 1000 Kilo-watts.

Arindam:- If you don’t mind, can you show us those solar boxes?

Scientist Sain:- Ha ha ha…why not! Come with me. I will show you the entire Solar Energy Management (SEM) of our city.


Scientist Sain:- Now, we are on the terrace of a two-storied house. See, here on the terrace, there are 5 Solar Boxes attached to a ‘SOLAR ENERGY BACKUP BOX’ (SEBB). After getting heated for 8 hours a day under the Sun, the 5 SBs produce 1000*5 = 5000 Kilo-watts and it remains as a back-up in the SEBB. The supply of the solar electricity of the house goes from this SEBB only.

Arindam:- But, can we do cooking also by using this solar electricity?

Scientist Sain:- Of course, yes! In every kitchen of this city, we have provided ‘SOLAR HEATERS’ (SH). All SHs are connected to the respective SEBB. So, instead of using LPG, you can use the SH for cooking foods. Even, we have ‘SOLAR COOKERS’ (SC) in the terraces of some buildings, but SCs are not as efficient as SHs.

Arindam:- Ok, so, overall, in this city, the electricity and the LPG has been replaced by the Solar Energy. Now, what will happen in rainy season or also in winter season, when the Sun’s rays are not so powerful?

Scientist Sain:- Yeah! I was expecting this question from you. Come on! Let us go to a ‘SOLAR BACKUP UNIT’ (SBU).


Arindam:- Wow! This SBU is looking like a Thermal Power Station. I can see 20 big tanks inside this unit.

Scientist Sain:- Yes, these tanks are nothing but the backup houses of the electricity power that we generate by using the Solar Energy. These tanks are known as ‘SOLAR POWER TANKS’ (SPT). 100 SBs are connected to each SPT. Each SPT can store up to 10,000 Mega-Watt of electricity at maximum. In each SBU, there are 20 SPTs. In this ‘SAINLAND’ city, there are 10 SBUs. So, you can imagine how much power backup we have after the summer season of a year.

Arindam:- Ok, that’s good! Now, say, I am a resident of this city. I have a two-storied building of my own in this city. Say, in rainy season, the sky remains cloudy for a week at a stretch. At that time, where from, I will get the solar electricity?

Scientist Sain:- I think that you have not noticed one thing in the house. In every house, there is a ‘SOLAR ELECTRICITY METER’ (SEM), which has four rounded buttons; Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. The Red button is for ‘Power off’ of the electricity power in your house and the Green button is for ‘Power On’ of the electricity power. If you press the ‘Yellow’ button, after pressing the Green button, then the solar electricity of your house will come from the SEBB that has been installed on your house terrace. Now, if there is no backup power in the SEBB of your house in rainy season, then the SEBB has an internal automated message sender system to the main unit of our administrative block through the antennae attached with it. The entire ‘SAINLAND’ city is connected with an invisible Satellite Network. The moment a SEBB transmits the signal that it is low on power, a message will get displayed that the SEBB of Sainland City with unique serial number: ‘SEBBXXXX3452 is low on power’. The moment our personnel get that message in our administrative block, they reply a message: ‘Please press the Blue button of your SEM after pressing its Green button to get direct solar electricity from your nearest SBU.’

Arindam:- But, how can I see that message? The SMS will come to my mobile phone or what!

Scientist Sain:- No, no! Not at all! In the SEBB itself, there is a message display screen with a small black button at its side. When any message comes to that SEBB, it will produce ‘Beep’ sounds and will continue till you press the Black button after reading the message. Once you press that black button, the SEBB will again send a signal to our administrative block, by stating: ‘Instruction has been read.’

Arindam:- Ok! Now, when I am using the solar electricity directly from the SBU which is nearest to my house, am I getting that solar electricity for free of cost.

Scientist Sain:- No, my dear friend! There is an operating cost to keep the backup of solar electricity. So, we are bound to charge something, when we are giving the solar backup power to the people during rainy season, but, our charge is very minimal. We consider 1 Kilo-Watt hour (KwH) as one unit of solar electricity used. If the unit of solar electricity reaches 50, then we start charging Rs. 5 per KwH, otherwise till 50 units, we charge only Rs.2 per KwH.

Arindam:- Ok! I understand! It is too hot outside. Come on, let us go back to your guest room and finish up the remaining portion of the Red Wine with those crispy prawns.

Scientist Sain:- Yeah! That will be better.


Scientist Sain:- Cheers again! I am really enjoying this Red Wine with the crispy prawns. Just awesome!

Arindam:- Thanks! Accha, tell me another thing! Every resident of this city has bought this SEBB and SBs; otherwise, they will not get any electricity. So, how expensive are these?

Scientist Sain:- We call the entire set as the ‘SOLAR SETUP PACK’ (SSP). A SSP contains 5 SBs (Solar Boxes), 1 SEBB (Solar Energy Backup Box), 1 SEM (Solar Electricity Meter), 1 SH (Solar Heater) and all other Solar related electric appliances. Each Solar Box is of 300 bucks, i.e. 5*300 = 1500 bucks. 1 SEBB costs 1500 bucks. 1 SEM is only 1000 bucks. 1 SH costs 500 bucks. Installation charges are of 500 bucks and all the other related solar electric appliances are of free of cost. So, in total, the entire SSP costs 1500 + 1500 + 1000 +500+500 = 5000 bucks only. That’s why; our marketing tagline for selling the SSP is: ‘1 Kilo-Watt for 1 Rupee’.

Arindam:- Really! Now, I understand why the ancient people always regarded the SUN as their Ultimate God.

Scientist Sain:- God is always gracious! Isn’t it so! Ha ha ha…Now, I have finished the red wine.

Arindam:- Ok! Thanks for giving us your valuable time, Mr. Sain. See you again.

Scientist Sain:- Hang on! Hang on! I forgot to tell you that Yuvati is cooking some special dishes for you people. She has invited you and your cameraman for lunch in our house.

Arindam:- In your house?

Scientist Sain:- Hmm…2 years ago, my wife had a severe car accident. She is somewhat partially paralyzed now. My daughter is studying MBA in London. Yuvati stays in the 1st floor of our house. Not for free of cost. She pays the rent every month and side by side, also helps my wife and our maid-servant whenever required.

Arindam (in a low voice):- Oh! You have no son? Only a daughter!

Scientist Sain:- Sorry! You murmured something.

Arindam:- No, no, nothing at all. It’s a pleasure to get an invitation for a lunch in your house. Viewers! I hope you have enjoyed this episode of our program, ‘WINE WITH ARINDAM’. Let me enjoy the lunch at Mr. Sain’s house today. See you next time again. Till then…Bye Bye…Sayonara…and take care.

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